drmiler's Articles In Politics » Page 13
August 12, 2005 by drmiler
I start off with a challenge. The recent trend in ID flapdoodle is to maintain -- vociferously -- that they aren't trying to put religion into classrooms. Very well. The challenge is, then, to demonstrate proof on an intelligence that could produce the myriad life-forms on this planet. If you can do it scientifically, I'll bow to you and be all for teaching ID in a science class. Lets get something straight! Intelligent design is NOT about religion that's creationism. Since "w...
August 11, 2005 by drmiler
This is a reprint from the Wall Street Journal: Bookends Why the base--and some outside it--are standing by President Bush. Thursday, August 11, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT In New York right now the sun is soft, not searing; the humidity just high enough that you feel like you're walking through pleasantly warm gelatin as you walk along the streets. A good time for a general political overview, I say. Let's start with the Bushes. President Bush is under pressure from various parts ...
August 10, 2005 by drmiler
This is in reply to dabe's ya gotta wonder thread. We're wondering where "your" head is? Lets see, it happened on 9/11/2001 right? Bush NEVER took office until Jan 2001. So if they knew 12 months before that, whose lap does that dump it in? Slick Willie's of course. Grow up dabe! Ya gotta wonder.............. when the neocon head are gonna start rolling............. By: dabe Posted: 8/10/2005 10:50:04 PM on Dabe's Site Ya gotta wonder............ Now that the story brok...
August 5, 2005 by drmiler
#127 by little_whip Friday, August 05, 2005 I'll tell you something that you didn't even begin to address. How many replies has mano posted? Did you count them into your witch hunt? You do realize that he gets points for EVERY reply he posts? ~takes a deep breath and prays for patience~ drmiler, the points you get for replying on other people's threads are added to your USER points, which affects your position on the JU's Top 10 USERS list. These do NOT a...
July 13, 2005 by drmiler
Reprint from Newsmax. Us Republicans may have a "decent" candidate for 08. Just maybe. Hillary Clinton 'Seething' Over Rick Santorum From NewsMax.com 2008 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was reportedly "seething" after what the New York Post says was a "frosty" encounter yesterday with her conservative Senate colleague Rick Santorum. Clinton paused during a Capitol Hill interview with Post reporter Ian Bishop "to let out a week's worth of pent-up frustration," the pape...
July 7, 2005 by drmiler
Well myrrander since you've blacklisted me from your site, I guess I'll have to start my own! "Bush wants to nominate the guy who slimed the laws of this country by getting torture OK'd. So what's the best way to get Torture Boy ready for his seat on the big court?" This has been disproved over and over again! Here is a link to the Gonzales memo. Please show the line where he say's torture is okay. If you can't then find something else to whine about! http://news.findlaw.com/...
June 29, 2005 by drmiler
Reprint from Media Research Center. Ok, now I sit back and wait for the left to attack. Retired Major General Donald Shepperd toured the Guantanamo Bay detention facility on Friday and found that reality did not match the media's portrayal, he recounted in a phone interview from Cuba on CNN just before 3pm EDT on Friday. Shepperd asserted: "The impressions that you're getting from the media and from the various pronouncements being made by people who have not been here, in my opinion, are ...
June 29, 2005 by drmiler
This is a reprint from Media Research Center. Just maybe the media will start thinking about turning their policies around? A new poll commissioned by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, which was released on Sunday, found that "attitudes toward the performance of the news media are at or near their low points in Pew trends dating back to the mid-1980s. This is especially the case in opinions regarding the presses patriotism, bias, and fairness." Pew's summary of it findi...
June 15, 2005 by drmiler
Seems some "new" memos were found that link Annan with the whole food for oil scam. Annan drawn into the Oil for Food scandal By Sam Knight, Times Online Two previously undisclosed memos have emerged which seem to implicate the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan in the UN's scandal-ridden oil-for-food programme. The memos appear to challenge Mr Annan's assertion that he knew nothing of the award of a lucrative UN contract to a company that employed his son. ...
June 9, 2005 by drmiler
Make sure your speakers are on before you click Link
May 29, 2005 by drmiler
Has anyone seen this movie? It has Ben Afflec and Morgan Freeman in it. Be aware! Do not hesitate for a second to think that this senario could happen! Given what we know about the terrorists and bin Laden it's more than possible! The movies premise is terrorist smuggle a nuclear device into the country in the form of a cigarette machine and place it at a football stadium in Baltimore,MD. Where it's set off
May 26, 2005 by drmiler
This is for those of you who don't have a clue about the subject. This is from the "Wall Street Journal". Stem-Cell Lines There's no Bush "ban," and research money is flowing. Thursday, May 26, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT The debate over stem-cell research is once again being portrayed as a kind of moral Armageddon: a choice between federal funding and none, between scientific progress and religious zealotry. We hate to spoil the political drama, but maybe the system has stumbled toward ...
May 21, 2005 by drmiler
Reprint from Wall Street Journal. Just how low will these fools go? Patriot Act Posturing How desperate is the ACLU? Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT Several provisions of the Patriot Act come up for renewal this year and debate is already under way in Congress. Today the Senate Intelligence Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on the FBI's subpoena power in terrorism cases, which the Administration wants Congress to expand. It's a closed-door session so that Senators ca...
May 21, 2005 by drmiler
This is from the Wall Street journal. Minutemen Are People, Too Arizona rednecks win a round against the ACLU. BY LEO W. BANKS Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT TUCSON, Ariz.--Anybody who appreciates a good yuck was sad to see the Minutemen pack up their pickups and go home. After all, it wasn't every day that we got to enjoy the spectacle of sunscreen-lathered ACLU observers chasing volunteer border-watchers through the desert. But in the media bonfire accompanying Arizo...
May 6, 2005 by drmiler
Stop trying to destroy the gun culture. There are more than 250 million guns in public circulation in the U.S. They cannot be wished away. Even if the U.S. government banned gun ownership and stopped all gun manufacturing and importation, it would still need to confiscate all those weapons. Doing so would require wholesale violations of Fourth Amendment rights. The probability of getting rid of guns in America, therefore, is practically zero. Then there are the people who own all thos...