Published on August 10, 2005 By drmiler In Politics
This is in reply to dabe's ya gotta wonder thread. We're wondering where "your" head is?
Lets see, it happened on 9/11/2001 right? Bush NEVER took office until Jan 2001. So if they knew 12 months before that, whose lap does that dump it in? Slick Willie's of course.
Grow up dabe!

Ya gotta wonder..............

when the neocon head are gonna start rolling.............

By: dabe
Posted: 8/10/2005 10:50:04 PM on Dabe's Site
Ya gotta wonder............

Now that the story broke that Muhammed Atta and his gang were names that US intelligence had a year before 9-11, and they did nothing about it, basically dropping the entire ball,

Ya gotta wonder........

Now that the 9-11 Commission has concluded its business and no longer has any subpoena powers.........

Ya gotta wonder............

What else is going to come out about the failure of the intelligence to prevent the 9-11 tragedy?

Basically, I'm not of the mindset that this government conspired to create the tragedy, though if you google around the net, you'll find lots and lots of conspiracy theorists. However, I really do believe that this administration was (and still is) so frought with conflicts of interest and so blinded by their self-serving money-grubbing oil schemes that they ignored the intelligence in order to advance their policies and profit margins. Hence, the Iraq quagmire. Hence, the Iran problem. Hence, the thousands and thousands of dead, dying, maimed, and yet to be dead, dying and maimed people, including the children who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. And, let's not forget the years of pollution that the depleted uranium is going to do to the Iraqis for generations.

I'm just wondering when this dumbass president of ours and all his henchmen are going to fall down and go splat. History is gonna skewer the bastards.

Ya gotta wonder just how long it's gonna take for the neocon backpeddling and excuses.............. Oh, never mind. They're already doing that.

on Aug 10, 2005
on Aug 11, 2005

You see, drmiler, you're ignoring that the bushied did freakin' NOTHING. And, in fact, this article is really about what kind of intelligence where they really hiding, not disclosing, otherwise ignoring, until after the Commission report and the inability to be subpoenaed. That's the point, for those who may have missed it.

Hey yo-yo...if your thread was all about intell then "why" even mention GW's name?
on Aug 11, 2005
Hahaha...if you two are going to do this, you might as well unblacklist each other.

This is like me being mad at my husband and telling one of my kids to say, "Tell Daddy I said to pass the peas" while sitting right beside him at the dinner table.

Hehe, too cute.
on Aug 11, 2005
Ya gotta wonder how long they are going to keep their heads up clinton's poop chute.