With all the hullabaloo going on over Hezbollah and Israel, it seems that the victory is not as sweet as some would have you believe. I still say we should have left Israel just clean up. Here is the link and a small excerpt from the piece. Link Hezbollah's position is no more secure in the broader Arab world, where it is seen as an Iranian tool rather than as the vanguard of a new Nahdha (Awakening), as the Western media claim. To be sure, it is still powerful because it has guns, ...
Well just maybe Hollywood gets it. They fired Tom Cruise for conduct unbecoming. Follow the link below for the entire piece. What say you JU? I say about frigging time! Link This is what Sumner Redstone told The Wall Street Journal: "His recent conduct has not been acceptable to Paramount." Translation: Sumner Redstone fired Tom Cruise for being an idiot. Someone finally fired a celebrity for conduct unbecoming. This is an idea whose time has come, an idea that deserves the ...
As much as I "hate" anonymous users, the one on Charles C's thread raised some interesting points. I have personally seen this happen only to an elderly person. They where threatened with "either do what I'm telling you or I'll put you in a home and then we'll do it anyway. So as to not hijack someone elses thread, I brought it here. Medicine at gunpoint Public trust in conventional medicine has plummeted to such an all-time low that the industry is now resorting to the threat of vio...
I'd like to take just a moment to tell everyone here how proud I am of them. The last 3 of Klink's articles died on the vine. The only response he got was one that he did himself. Way to show self control guys and gals! Keep up the good work.
According to this piece from the WSJ it sounds like they "really" don't want a democracy. Just maybe we should leave them to their own devices. Mr. Nasr uses this history to explain why Iraq's Shia so eagerly embraced the fall of Saddam Hussein. Whereas the Americans saw regime change in Iraq as a harbinger of democracy, Iraq's Shia viewed it primarily as the end to centuries of Sunni domination. And Saddam's fall inevitably stirred hopes for a Shia revival elsewhere. The mantra "one man,...
Well the frogs have tried again, they have dangled the bait and we "bit"! How long before they cut and run this time? Any guesses? And only 400 troops at that. They might as well stay home. They won't be of much use since all they know how to do is surrender when the going gets tough. The following is excerpt from the WSJ. To read the entire article follow the link. Mission Unaccomplished The French promise a military force and Condi falls for it. Monday, August 21, 2006 12:01 a....
Just what in the name of "Zeus's" butthole made them even consider doing this? Anyone got any ideas? ABC & NBC Celebrate Princeton Salutatorian Who's an Illegal The Tuesday ABC and NBC evening newscasts ran tributes to Princeton University's salutatorian, illegal immigrant Dan-el Padilla Peralta, and NBC also hailed the efforts of illegals in Queens to defy efforts to crack down on them. At the top of World News Tonight, Charles Gibson fretted, "American dream: A Princeton gra...
Look I know it's fun to argue with the clueless one. Heck, I do it myself. But he's getting to big for his britches. Try this.....for every post you put on his blog, give him 3 trolling cookies. I do it every day regardless of whether I post or not.
Some left wing wacko was just spouting off about how the estate tax needs to be left alone and in place. I say "phooey"! And....it would seem so do a bunch of my fellow Americans! From the Wall Street Journal:[/] Taxes Everlasting Why the superrich don't mind the death tax. Thursday, June 8, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT If you've followed the death tax debate, you know that few issues raise liberal blood pressure more. Liberal journalists in particular are around the bend: How in th...
For the most part I tend to agree with most people here. There are a few that are occasionsl exceptions.....BS, and Gid once in a while. The only one I tend to disagree with on a regular basis is our resident liberal kook whose name I can't say, But seems to be a shortened version of the word "colon". For the most part I "try" not to offend anyone but him. "If" I have offended anyone else, I do apologize.
If it's not biased, please explain this. Saddam Trial Coverage October 16, 2005 to March 15, 2006: Saddam Courtroom Antics: 33% Trial Unfair to Saddam: 13% Testimony/Evidence of Guilt: 13% Trial Not Safe for Lawyers: 12% Iraqi Public Reaction: 12% Background of Case: 6% Other/General Procedural: 11% Now, the text of the March 20 Media Reality Check: Covering Saddam's Shenanigans, Not His Crimes ABC, CBS, and NBC's Trial News Stresses Ex-Dictator's Outbursts, Not Ev...
I just went in to have tires put on my truck and what do I get? I get some fat slob of a manager ranting about how bad Bush is and how he's running the country into the ground. Then he goes on as to how good "Slick Willie" was and how "hanoijohnkerry" would have been a lot better than Bush. I promptly told him that he just messed up big time and that he was talking to someone who was probably the most extreme right-winger he'd ever met. He then told me (in basic terms) that he didn't care ...
The following is a repost of something I found on the "Wall Street Journal". And I must say I agree with it 100% It's something that I have been thinking and saying for quite some time. Calculated Outrage Cheney as toast: Democrats burning down the house. BY DANIEL HENNINGER Friday, February 17, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST Some say Dick Cheney is toast. He's too hot to handle, throw him over the side if he won't drop himself into the waves. Don't look now, but that isn't water surr...
Over the last day or so we have been bombarded with threads claiming that "Scooter" Libby says that VP Cheney told him to "leak" the supposedly classifieds info to the press . You know who you are. Well to all of you that said this, you need to do a little thinking. "Why" would he say such a thing? To save his butt? Nope! He's not under indictment for leaking "supposedly classified info"! NO! He's under indicment for "perjury" That means lying to a judge or D.A. in this case.
This is from the "Wall Street Journal" Bonfire of the Pieties Islam prohibits neither images of Muhammad nor jokes about religion. BY AMIR TAHERI Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST "The Muslim Fury," one newspaper headline screamed. "The Rage of Islam Sweeps Europe," said another. "The clash of civilizations is coming," warned one commentator. All this refers to the row provoked by the publication of cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper four months ago...