Published on August 23, 2006 By drmiler In Politics
As much as I "hate" anonymous users, the one on Charles C's thread raised some interesting points. I have personally seen this happen only to an elderly person. They where threatened with "either do what I'm telling you or I'll put you in a home and then we'll do it anyway. So as to not hijack someone elses thread, I brought it here.

Medicine at gunpoint

Public trust in conventional medicine has plummeted to such an all-time low that the industry is now resorting to the threat of violence in order to market its services. Gunpoint medicine is alive and well in Seattle, Washington, where county law enforcement officers, prompted by Child Protective Services (CPS), arrested and jailed 34-year-old Tina Marie Carlsen for her \"crime\" of rescuing her infant from overzealous hospital staff who demanded they perform kidney surgery on the infant.

Terrorized by the incident, charged with second-degree kidnapping of her own child, and threatened with bail of $500,000, Tina Carlsen was jailed for several days, during which she was unable to provide lifesaving mother\'s milk to her baby (which is crucial for a child\'s brain and immune system). She has still not been allowed physical contact with her infant son.

Carlsen\'s child was taken from her by Child Protective Services after she refused to drug her infant with doctor-prescribed medications in preparation for surgery to implant kidney dialysis devices. She was also reportedly threatened by a nephrologist (a kidney specialist), who, according to relatives, demanded, \"You do what I tell you to do, or I will have the police at the door, taking that baby from you.\"

And that\'s exactly what happened: The doctor called Child Protective Services, and CPS won a court battle to take custody of the child based entirely on Carlsen\'s refusal to submit the child to conventional surgery. When Carlsen rescued her own child from the Children\'s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, a statewide Amber Alert was issued, which mobilized law enforcement to arrest the mother. Initially, the alert claimed the child was in \"imminent danger,\" but this was later contradicted by hospital staff members who issued a statement admitting the child was not in imminent danger.

\"This mother\'s rights have been annihilated,\" said Kelly Meinig, the president of Citizens for Safe Birth, a non-profit consumer health organization. \"What\'s so scary is this could happen to any of us. All this family wanted was the ability to make an informed decision.\"

Gunpoint medicine

This incident is the latest example of state-sponsored medical terrorism where parents who do not submit to narrowly-defined \"treatments\" promoted by conventional medicine are branded as criminals, arrested at gunpoint, jailed and forcibly separated from their children by Child Protective Services. A previous case of medical terrorism involved a Texas teenager who was kidnapped by authorities and forced to undergo toxic chemotherapy treatments that her parents desperately insisted on avoiding.

Conventional medicine, characterized by toxic pharmaceuticals, radical surgical procedures, rampant bribery, corruption and relentless disease mongering and \"sick care\" profiteering, is increasingly being enforced by gunpoint in the United States. Parents who wish to protect their children from the dangers of chemotherapy, surgery or dangerous prescription drugs may find themselves accused of kidnapping their own children simply by rescuing them from the hands of surgeons and oncologists who stand to profit from every procedure performed.

The threat of violence is not foreign to the promoters of conventional medicine, as the FDA has been the architect of several armed raids against doctors, nutritional supplement companies and even a church. Such raids include the \"B vitamin\" raid on the clinic of Dr. Jonathan Wright, the \"CoQ10\" raid on Highland Laboratories, the El Cajon pet food store raid (the owner committed the \"crime\" of saying that vitamins were good for pets) and multiple, armed \"terror-style\" raids against the Life Extension Foundation, among many others. The FDA has confiscated \"dangerous\" products like flaxseed oil, herbal tea, vitamin C and CoQ10, all in its quest to save the public from the terrible dangers of nutritional medicine.

Disrupts profits, go to jail
Far from being an industry that seeks to help patients, modern-day medicine is a profit-seeking industry that depends on sustained sickness to generate profits for drug companies, hospitals and diagnostic equipment manufacturers. Police officers, Sheriffs and even U.S. Marshals are routinely recruited by conventional medicine \"enforcers\" to terrorize selected targets in order to send a message to the rest of the population that they must submit to the treatments of conventional medicine, even when such treatments are provably harmful to patients or based on fraudulent science and deceptive marketing claims. Related book:
Dangerous Medicine Message Board
Bulletin board site for posting your horror stories about harmful prescription drugs, hospital stays, surgical procedures and medicine gone bad. Post your true story and read others now!
The tactics of such campaigns mirror those of terrorist cells, which rely on violence or the threat of violence to achieve a political goal.

Similarly, the Bush Administration, through its so-called \"New Freedom Initiative on Mental Health\" hopes to impose mandatory mental health screening on all U.S. children -- a thinly-veiled attempt to boost Big Pharma profits even further by drugging millions of children with expensive psychotropic drugs, including amphetamines like Ritalin and antidepressant drugs known to promote suicidal behavior.

Consumer backlash gains strength

The use of these tactics helps explain why critics of conventional medicine describe these times as, \"The Dark Ages of medicine.\" FDA actions are increasingly seen as oppressive and even tyrannical by an increasing number of patients and doctors, and the public\'s trust of pharmaceutical companies, who have been caught inventing fictitious diseases and misleading federal regulators about drug safety trials, is at an all-time low.

A consumer backlash against the Police State tactics of conventional medicine is gaining momentum as people and lawmakers alike realize that no American is truly free if they are not free to choose a system of medicine that they believe offers them the most effective solutions for health challenges. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tx) has introduced the Health Freedom Protection Act (H.R. 4282), a bill that would help rein in the censorship of the FDA and finally allow nutritional supplement manufacturers to tell the truth about the scientifically-validated health benefits of their products.

Other health freedom efforts now underway include campaigns to ban direct-to-consumer drug advertising and end the monopoly on drug prices. Organizations such as the Life Extension Foundation and Commercial Alert are supporting grassroots efforts to end the FDA\'s reign of terror, while many of the FDA\'s own drug safety scientists like Dr. David Graham are working from inside the agency to affect meaningful reform.

While the arrest and prosecution of Tina Carlsen is a clear example of an out-of-control system of medicine that continues to be enforced at gunpoint, Carlsen may one day be seen as the Rosa Parks of health freedom. She was the mother who dared to rescue her baby from the scalpels of overzealous surgeons, and her incarceration reveals the blatant truth about the motives of hospitals, doctors and the entire system of modern medicine: Comply with our medicine, or we will punish you.

As is being pointed out by many critics of Carlsen\'s treatment, the idea of whether her baby\'s condition demanded urgent medical care is not relevant. It is the right and responsibility of every parent to choose what kind of treatment their child should receive, even if certain health experts disagree with such a decision. The State is not the parent, and any State that would use the threat of violence to enforce the profiteering medical treatments of powerful corporations is an unjust State.

on Aug 23, 2006
shameless forum bump
on Aug 23, 2006
We had a case here in this state where a 16 year old wanted to try alternative treatments for his Cancer, the State Social Services agency tried to force him to have regular chemo.  And tried to grab the kid in the process!  The parents took them to court real fast, and the kid is allowed to chose his own treatment now.
on Aug 23, 2006
We had a case here in this state where a 16 year old wanted to try alternative treatments for his Cancer, the State Social Services agency tried to force him to have regular chemo. And tried to grab the kid in the process! The parents took them to court real fast, and the kid is allowed to chose his own treatment now

I know. I followed that one for awhile.
on Aug 23, 2006
About this article:

This is some scary stuff. It's amazing how oblivious we can be to such things going on in our own backyards. This is the results of growing Gov’t powers.

About the post on my article related to this article:

Can anyone explain to me why exactly is this Bush's fault? Are people really that naive to believe that Bush is the only person capable of solving every little problem plaguing this country? It's not as if all this just started. How is it that things that have been happening for the longest of times are automatically the fault of the current administration, or the President himself to be exact? I don't defend Bush, I just want to know why he is always at fault and not the doctors taking advantage, the CPS who's abusing and even Congress for completely ignoring this and not shoving it down the Presidents throat?
on Aug 23, 2006
Something interesting, but tragic at the same time, has been happening to a guy that I used to work with.

He was diagnosed with cancer, and they told him that the he didn't have 6 months to live. That was 3 yrs ago....they put him on some type of chemo, and he was actually gaining weight, the cancer was going into remission...and he was doing and looking VERY good (he was an older guy, probably in his 60s).

One day, he goes to the doctors office...for his check up. The doctor says, "The chemo that you are on, has no scientific proof that it we are going to take you off it, and put you on something else". He tried to argue his point, that it was, indeed working....but the doctor would have none of it. They changed the chemo, and within 2 weeks, he began deteriorating at a VERY fast pace....the doctor still would not listen to him (or his wife) and maintained that the chemo that he was on before had no scientific data that proved that it would work....

Now? The guy is bed-ridden, lost a ton of weight...sick all the time....and has now had a stroke....but that doctor continues to maintain that HE is right, and the chemo from before was not doing anything.

on Aug 23, 2006
#5 by MythicalMino
Wed, August 23, 2006 10:12 AM

Interesting story and sad. But who do we trust when our medical knowledge is limited, in most cases, by our unwillingness to understand and research it, our limit on money to attend medical school and the few options the Gov't gives. Not to mention that one would think that doctors are there to help you, not make money off of you by adding unnecessary medicines and procedures. After all medical help is expensive as it is, are they that greedy that they would be willing to do such things? (rhetorical question)
on Aug 23, 2006
all this crap started when the government started making the rearing of children their business.

I have read many cases of parents being overruled by the courts and made to do something that was not in the best intrest of the child.
on Aug 23, 2006
Charles: I know....but why not go with what WAS working...until that stopped working? Instead, the doctor (who works for VA) decided that that chemo didn't work, disregarding that the man had outlived his 6 months by 3+ years....

Maybe him working for VA doesn't lay the blame at his feet, but rather, the government (or whoever it is that runs VA)....whatever the case, soemthing isn't right here, I think
on Aug 23, 2006
a thinly-veiled attempt to boost Big Pharma profits even further by drugging millions of children with expensive psychotropic drugs, including amphetamines like Ritalin and antidepressant drugs known to promote suicidal behavior.

I agree that giving kids speed is bad. They're hyper enough. They should be given sedatives.
on Aug 23, 2006
Charles: I know....but why not go with what WAS working...until that stopped working? Instead, the doctor (who works for VA) decided that that chemo didn't work, disregarding that the man had outlived his 6 months by 3+ years....

Maybe him working for VA doesn't lay the blame at his feet, but rather, the government (or whoever it is that runs VA)....whatever the case, soemthing isn't right here, I think

Oh no, don't get me wrong, I agree. I just wonder who do we trust? How do we know our Drs. are lying to us? Besides what happened to you friend that seems very obvious, how do we know, this is probably happening to just about every person visiting a doctor taking medicine that is probably overkill but beneficial to the doctor, but there is no way other than doing research in the matter and not everyone will do it. Though I think that people should look into things before taking them or doing it. In the top story, parents should be given time to consider the docs idea and research if there are other alternatives, unless the child is in immediate danger of dying.
on Aug 23, 2006
This is all so scary to read and hear about. For them to do this to that family, it's abominable!

Now? The guy is bed-ridden, lost a ton of weight...sick all the time....and has now had a stroke....but that doctor continues to maintain that HE is right, and the chemo from before was not doing anything

This is just horrible! And there's nothing they can do about this?

Makes you scared to think that we're really not free at all.
on Aug 23, 2006

Makes you scared to think that we're really not free at all.

Makes us make a living will ASAP!

on Aug 24, 2006
I'm going to use some strong language now.

That is FUCKING insane!

I can't believe does someone have that much evil inside of them to exploit children for profit...oh wait, they do that in sweatshops over in Asia. I don't even know if I want to go to a hospital may never leave...alive.

on Aug 24, 2006
I'm going to use some strong language now.

That is FUCKING insane!

I can't believe does someone have that much evil inside of them to exploit children for profit...oh wait, they do that in sweatshops over in Asia. I don't even know if I want to go to a hospital may never leave...alive.


Just goes to prove why I've never liked hospitals. I always said people that you love check in but, they never check out.
on Aug 25, 2006
It's a sad, sick world. The government needs to stick to running the nation and stay the hell out of people's lives.