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America Love it or Leave it.
Does Iraq realy "want" a Democracy?
Published on August 22, 2006 By
According to this piece from the WSJ it sounds like they "really" don't want a democracy. Just maybe we should leave them to their own devices.
Mr. Nasr uses this history to explain why Iraq's Shia so eagerly embraced the fall of Saddam Hussein. Whereas the Americans saw regime change in Iraq as a harbinger of democracy, Iraq's Shia viewed it primarily as the end to centuries of Sunni domination. And Saddam's fall inevitably stirred hopes for a Shia revival elsewhere. The mantra "one man, one vote" has reverberated among the politically marginalized Shia of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Lebanon, where Hezbollah's TV station has recited democracy's shibboleths as part of its own campaign to win a larger political role.
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on Aug 22, 2006
on Aug 22, 2006
What I think is happening is that terrrorist are using reverse psycology on the US. They "embrace" democracy with the idea that the Arab people get to chose who to vote in rather than have a dictator but then they chose to vote in these terrorist groups as a thorn in the US side. After all, they are legitimate since we gave them the chance or helped them get the chance to vote in a Democracy. I think we are really wasting our time in the Middle East completely. To hell with all them Arab countries, we should just let them be.
on Aug 22, 2006
Fuck em doc,let them slaughter eachother.
COL Gene
on Aug 22, 2006
Yes the Bush adventure did not work out like he thought and the American people were told. It only cost America over 2,650 lives, 35,000 injuries and hundreds of billions of dollars to see what a mess Bush made of this area. He should be impeached for killing our military and wasting our tax dollars.
on Aug 22, 2006
I find it endlessly amusing to see so many people who called people like Murtha cowards for advocating a "Cut and Run" position are now close to advocating the very same thing. Although, when conservatives adopt this line of thinkin, it's never called "Cut and Run".
Dr Guy
on Aug 22, 2006
Although, when conservatives adopt this line of thinkin, it's never called "Cut and Run".
I dont see where Doc has called for a cut and run. Perhaps you can quote that part for me?
on Aug 22, 2006
if it were up to davad and colgangrene, we would be french, run, hide, pretend terrorists are not really trying to kill us.
Dr Guy
on Aug 22, 2006
we would be french
And dead. Do you think the 'French' would bail us out?
on Aug 22, 2006
I dont see where Doc has called for a cut and run. Perhaps you can quote that part for me?
I didn't say he called for a cut and run. Like I said, it's never called cut and run when it's coming from a conservative. When it comes from a conservative, it sounds like this;
Just maybe we should leave them to their own devices.
if it were up to davad and colgangrene, we would be french, run, hide, pretend terrorists are not really trying to kill us.
I've never advocated any such position or thought, and would love to see you show me where in all my time on JU or in the real world, where I have ever done anything "cowardly".
If I was a coward, I would ban you from my threads like you did me, just for disagreeing with you.
COL Gene
on Aug 22, 2006
This is the same thing
"Just maybe we should leave them to their own devices"
That sounds like CUT AND RUN TO ME
Dr Guy
on Aug 22, 2006
I've never advocated any such position or thought, and would love to see you show me where in all my time on JU or in the real world, where I have ever done anything "cowardly".
I find it endlessly amusing to see so many people who called people like Murtha cowards for advocating a "Cut and Run" position are now close to advocating the very same thing. Although, when conservatives adopt this line of thinkin, it's never called "Cut and Run".
You indicated he was calling for it. With that post. I challenged you to show me where he called for it. left to their own devices, means after the job is done, they will decide on their own. I guess one would assume, given their perspective, that it is CUT and RUN. But then they have to be pre-disposed to that viewpoint coming into the discussion before they could come to that conclusion.
And the rest of your post I gather is aimed at another as I have never said you were a coward. A lot of other things, but I dont recall coward being one of them
COL Gene
on Aug 22, 2006
Leaving Iraq is not Cut and Run. We have deposed Saddam and our staying in Iraq is NOT making it more stable. Thus what we can accomplish has come to an end. All that happens is we loose troops and spend money to see the violence get worse. The Iraqi people must settle the disputes between the factions which may only be possible via a civil war.
on Aug 22, 2006
You indicated he was calling for it. With that post. I challenged you to show me where he called for it. left to their own devices, means after the job is done, they will decide on their own. I guess one would assume, given their perspective, that it is CUT and RUN.
It certainly didn't sound like he meant "after the job is done", but I guess only he knows that for sure. Or do you guys have a conservative mind meld thing going on that allows you to interpret his intention.
If he did in fact, mean "after the job is done", what would even be the point of the article? It's always been the conservative position that we remain there until the job is done. So if the intent is to maintain the status-quo,then why even bring in the statement "leave them to their own devices"?
And the rest of your post I gather is aimed at another as I have never said you were a coward. A lot of other things, but I dont recall coward being one of them
I was quite obviously directing that to the person that I quoted, who called me a coward.
on Aug 22, 2006
#10 by COL Gene
Tue, August 22, 2006 6:12 PM
This is the same thing
"Just maybe we should leave them to their own devices"
That sounds like CUT AND RUN TO ME
Make up your mind, idiot!
#12 by COL Gene
Tue, August 22, 2006 9:16 PM
Leaving Iraq is not Cut and Run. We have deposed Saddam and our staying in Iraq is NOT making it more stable. Thus what we can accomplish has come to an end. All that happens is we loose troops and spend money to see the violence get worse. The Iraqi people must settle the disputes between the factions which may only be possible via a civil war.
on Aug 22, 2006
I find it endlessly amusing to see so many people who called people like Murtha cowards for advocating a "Cut and Run" position are now close to advocating the very same thing. Although, when conservatives adopt this line of thinkin, it's never called "Cut and Run".
And just an FYI....I have never said Murtha was a coward. I called him a "traitor"!
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