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America Love it or Leave it.
Does Iraq realy "want" a Democracy?
Published on August 22, 2006 By
According to this piece from the WSJ it sounds like they "really" don't want a democracy. Just maybe we should leave them to their own devices.
Mr. Nasr uses this history to explain why Iraq's Shia so eagerly embraced the fall of Saddam Hussein. Whereas the Americans saw regime change in Iraq as a harbinger of democracy, Iraq's Shia viewed it primarily as the end to centuries of Sunni domination. And Saddam's fall inevitably stirred hopes for a Shia revival elsewhere. The mantra "one man, one vote" has reverberated among the politically marginalized Shia of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Lebanon, where Hezbollah's TV station has recited democracy's shibboleths as part of its own campaign to win a larger political role.
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on Aug 23, 2006
I find it endlessly amusing to see so many people who called people like Murtha cowards for advocating a "Cut and Run" position are now close to advocating the very same thing. Although, when conservatives adopt this line of thinkin, it's never called "Cut and Run".
Call it what you want. I don't see it as cut and run. We disposed of Saddam and his regime, we helped them elect a new government. This is what we set out to do. I see it as "Mission Acomplished"! But I'm not talking about just pulling the troops. I'm talking the "whole" 9 yards. Troops, equipment and funds. They don't want us there and they don't want a democracy, they don't want the money to help rebuild? Then "screw em", let them clean their own closet.
COL Gene
on Aug 23, 2006
Post # 10 was my comment on what was said in another post. For me, post # 12, I do not consider leaving Iraq CUT AND RUN. We completed the job of removing Saddam. We did not invade Iraq to Nation Build or to settle disputes between the factions that have been at odds with each other since Iraq was formed!
on Aug 23, 2006
Post # 10 was my comment on what was said in another post. For me, post # 12, I do not consider leaving Iraq CUT AND RUN. We completed the job of removing Saddam. We did not invade Iraq to Nation Build or to settle disputes between the factions that have been at odds with each other since Iraq was formed!
Bullsh*t col!!! Don't be such a chicken-sh*t! post number #10 was a "direct" response to what I originaly posted. The high-lighted portion of the below statement is a direct cut and paste from my comments.
#10 by COL Gene
Tue, August 22, 2006 6:12 PM
This is the same thing
Just maybe we should leave them to their own devices
That sounds like CUT AND RUN TO
on Aug 23, 2006
And I almost forgot. While we're at it...put Saddam to death!
on Aug 23, 2006
Call it what you want. I don't see it as cut and run. We disposed of Saddam and his regime, we helped them elect a new government. This is what we set out to do. I see it as "Mission Acomplished"! But I'm not talking about just pulling the troops. I'm talking the "whole" 9 yards. Troops, equipment and funds. They don't want us there and they don't want a democracy, they don't want the money to help rebuild? Then "screw em", let them clean their own closet.
I rest my case.
I find it endlessly amusing to see so many people who called people like Murtha cowards for advocating a "Cut and Run" position are now close to advocating the very same thing. Although, when conservatives adopt this line of thinkin, it's never called "Cut and Run".
on Aug 23, 2006
Call it what you want. I don't see it as cut and run. We disposed of Saddam and his regime, we helped them elect a new government. This is what we set out to do. I see it as "Mission Acomplished"! But I'm not talking about just pulling the troops. I'm talking the "whole" 9 yards. Troops, equipment and funds. They don't want us there and they don't want a democracy, they don't want the money to help rebuild? Then "screw em", let them clean their own closet.
I rest my case.
I find it endlessly amusing to see so many people who called people like Murtha cowards for advocating a "Cut and Run" position are now close to advocating the very same thing. Although, when conservatives adopt this line of thinkin, it's never called "Cut and Run".
You don't have a case. Reread the first 5 sentences of my reply. I don't see how you can call acomplishing what we set out to do in the first place, cut and run.
Call it what you want. I don't see it as cut and run. We disposed of Saddam and his regime, we helped them elect a new government. This is what we set out to do. I see it as "
Mission Acomplished
on Aug 23, 2006
I thought cute and run meant that we are to scared to finish what we started, that the enemy is too powerful for us to manage. What I see in Iraq is not an enemy we can not handle, it's a population we believed could do better without Saddam but instead would rather let them be what they are today so they can solve their own problems. To believe that we should just let them take over from here on and let them be is not cut and run. We did what we could and they do not wish our help anymore, we should not force them to except our help.
Maybe a civil war is possible, maybe a civil war is necessary. We may not think that death is the best way to solve problems but who are we to tell them that. If they want a better life and are willing to die for it, in a civil war like the one fought in the US once upon a time, then so be it. I therefore see it unnecessary for us to be there any longer, but in the case that we created yet another enemy then we should leave them with the warning that next time around we won't hold back and do our best to show them we are serious.
Murtha's idea was for us to admit that we couldn't handle it and we should just leave them to their own demise. Kinda like when you are helping someone and when the going gets tough you leave them on their own cause it was too much for you. Kinda cowardly and immoral to leave a half job.
on Aug 23, 2006
Post # 10 was my comment on what was said in another post. For me, post # 12, I do not consider leaving Iraq CUT AND RUN. We completed the job of removing Saddam. We did not invade Iraq to Nation Build or to settle disputes between the factions that have been at odds with each other since Iraq was formed!
Don't be so stupid Col, you screwed up and now there is no way to fix it. You finally proved your stupidity today. Moron. Next time, before you try to post just to spite, read you post before you click submit, actually don't that way you can keep being the idot you are.
on Aug 23, 2006
You don't have a case. Reread the first 5 sentences of my reply. I don't see how you can call acomplishing what we set out to do in the first place, cut and run.
What exactly have we "accomplished" there that we hadn't a few months ago when everyone was blasting democrats for wanting to get out? Are you blind? Have you not noticed that things are getting worse? IED attacks are steadily rising, 110 civilians die there every day. Does that sound like we've established a stable and secure Iraq?
Murtha's idea was for us to admit that we couldn't handle it and we should just leave them to their own demise. Kinda like when you are helping someone and when the going gets tough you leave them on their own cause it was too much for you. Kinda cowardly and immoral to leave a half job.
I'd love to see you offer up a quote from Murtha that says that "we couldn't handle it".
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