Published on December 1, 2004 By drmiler In Politics
This is a no-sh*tter folks.

USPS New Stamp

This one is impossible to believe. Scroll down for the text.
If there is only one thing you forward today.....let it be this!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of PanAm
Flight 103!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World
Trade Center in 1993!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine
barracks in Lebanon!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military
barracks in Saudi Arabia!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American
Embassies in Africa!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001!

REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were
lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks!

Now the United States Postal Service REMEMBERS and HONORS the
EID MUSLIM holiday season with a commemorative first class
holiday postage stamp.

REMEMBER to adamantly and vocally BOYCOTT this stamp
when purchasing your stamps at the post office.
To use this stamp would be a slap in the face to all those
AMERICANS who died at the hands of those whom this stamp honors.

REMEMBER to pass this along to every patriotic AMERICAN

They don't even believe in Christ, and they're getting their own Christmas stamp; but don't you dream of posting the ten commandments on federal property?

Is this unreal or what?

on Dec 01, 2004

"The President of the United States, George W. Bush, has extended official greetings, issued messages, and participated in commemorations of both Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha (even after the September 11 attacks), and the White House web site promotes the EID stamp as well. "
on Dec 01, 2004
I find this to be VERY disturbing. I would wonder why?
on Dec 01, 2004
Bombs away ... i've sent it off to make the rounds. My congressman is going to hear an ear full on this one.
on Dec 01, 2004
Unreal indeed, what is going in the United States Postal Command or is this an attempt at having people remember those attacks because some people only know of one...

- Grim
on Dec 01, 2004
Hey people you're not thinking of all the American citizens who celebrate Eid. The U.S. Postal Service is trying to remain politically correct. They can't issue Hanukkah stamps and Christmas stamps and Kwanzaa stamps but not Eid stamps. That would pretty much be saying, "Oh, your religious counterparts in the Middle East are bombing us and pissing us off so you don't count." That would totally fly in the face of everything that America stands for. No terrorist from the Middle East (such as Iraq) is gonna come to America just to use our Eid stamps. The USPS cannot take the stamps off of the market either. If they do this it will piss off the American Muslims and give them more reason to hate us. We have to accept that the Muslims who are in America LOVE America.

Working at a fast food joint I meet alot of people. One of our regular customers is a Muslim family. The mother wears the head scarf and so does the daughter. But they are Americans just like me and you. I don't give them less food or pop or charge them a little bit more than anyone else. I always know it's them because they order the same exact thing every time. One Big Kids chicken tenders meal with no sauce with pink lemonade no ice and a fish sandwich with no tartar or cheese. These people are always nice and polite. They do nothing to piss me off.

During my senior year of high school I was in the Bismarck Public Schools high school fall musical, Annie. During rehearsals I met and became friends with a girl named Shivani who is Muslim. She is the most patriotic girl I have ever met. She hand embroidered American flags all over her backpack and binder. She didn't hate America just because she is Muslim.

In my Sophomore Biology class there was a Muslim girl named Almira. At first we didn't get along very well, but then we got assigned as lab partners so we had to learn to get along. We became best friends.

This is a hard thing for me to grasp because there is really no long standing feud between Christians, Catholics, and Muslims. I know for a fact that I should be having the biggest problem with Muslims. Almira even said to me, "I didn't like you at first because you are Jewish. I have been taught that Jews are dogs and aren't worth the time." But after getting to know me she was able to get past my religion. Can't we do the same?
on Dec 01, 2004
They don't even believe in Christ, and they're getting their own Christmas stamp; but don't you dream of posting the ten commandments on federal property?

This country believes in freedom of religion, not a theocracy. To state opposition because people do not believe in the same religion is against everything this country was founded upon.

The Muslim religion is not responsible for terrorist act by fringe elements any more than whites as a whole were responsible for the acts of the KKK.
on Dec 01, 2004
Reply #5 By: *grins wickedly* - 12/1/2004 1:28:04 PM
This is a hard thing for me to grasp because there is really no long standing feud between Christians, Catholics, and Muslims. I know for a fact that I should be having the biggest problem with Muslims. Almira even said to me, "I didn't like you at first because you are Jewish. I have been taught that Jews are dogs and aren't worth the time." But after getting to know me she was able to get past my religion. Can't we do the same?

Have you forgotten what the Christians did during the crusades and who they did it to? Hint: they were muslims.
on Dec 01, 2004
But it isn't a long-standing on-going everyday hatred feud.
on Dec 01, 2004

Reply #8 By: *grins wickedly* - 12/1/2004 2:08:54 PM
But it isn't a long-standing on-going everyday hatred feud.

On our end no. But I wouldn't be so sure about their end if I were you.
on Dec 01, 2004
drmiler -

There's just one problem. Substitute the word terrorist for the word Muslim and the list makes sense.

As you well know, the majority of Muslims are peace-loving and do not support the terrorists. I admit that don't actively oppose them as much as I might like, but our beef is not with Islam, it is with the radical terrorists, most of whom happen to be Muslims. The more people substitute the word Muslim for terrorist, the more difficult to deal with this problem becomes.

We didn't come out with a stamp commemorating the terrorist attacks, so the connection is artificial and unfair. Friends of America are desired and needed among Muslims - there is no justifiable reason to condemn the entire religion for the acts of a psychopathic few, any more than it is justifiable to condemn Christianity because of the Crusades or because of Jim Bakker.
