Reply #3 By: little_whip - 11/16/2004 12:30:15 PM
iraq iraq iraq iraq
gays gays gays gays
is there anything else you care about T-bone?
(just curious)
I mean, we all have our pet causes...but my eyes begin to glaze over watching you repeat yourself again and again and again
Reply #5 By: T_Bone4Justice - 11/16/2004 1:46:57 PM
litlle_whip, I am going to give you the same warning I have given others. If you want to personally attack me in your blog site that is one thing as I will just stop going there. If you think you are going to come into my blog and presume to tell me what to write, how to write it, or how often I should write on any particular subject, you have another thing coming. I do not go into your blog and arrogantly presume to tell you how many times you should write on any particular subject. Perhaps what really bothers you is the fact that I am able to discredit all the myths you hold so dear to your heart? If you have something constructive to say, you are welcome. If you are going to come here to try and get me to stop talking about any particular issue then forget it. It just so happens that all three articles are distinctly different. I have written about a variety of subjects..not that it is any of your concern. Perhaps if you actually READ them you would know that before posting your meaningless and empty complaints. If you don't like my articles then don't read them or comment on them. Unlike you, I do not personally attack you or complain about how many times you write on any particular subject. I may argue with the assertions within your articles but I don't tell you when, what, or how often to say it. This is typical of someone who does not LIKE what a person is saying nor can you argue the merits of what these articles present outside of tired political soundbites. All you can do is try to intimidate people into silence...well, that doesn't work with me. Remember your article you posted about how the left should not personally attack the right? Perhaps you should apply some of your moral double-standards to yourself.