Published on November 5, 2004 By drmiler In Politics
Thursday, Nov. 4, 2004 8:57 a.m. EST
Soros Loserman Goes Into Hiding

A gentle reader from Sparks, Nev., inquires: "George Soros said he'd retire to a monastery IF Bush gets re-elected. Does he need any help packing?"

That's exactly what we were wondering. So were others, it turns out. The gang at "Fox & Friends" also raised the issue this morning. They said they tried to call him to find out which monastery he'd be hiding in for the next four years, but no one is answering the phone.

We couldn't get hold of Hate Inc. either but e-mailed our question to the Bush-bashing billionaire who vowed he'd buy the election for John Kerry.

Though the meddling moneybags isn't showing his face, he did post a message yesterday: "Obviously, I am distressed at the outcome of the election. I hope, but don't trust, that the second Bush administration will have learned something from the mistakes of the first. What is at stake is our ability to recognize our own fallibility."

Do you think Soros has finally recognized his own fallibility?

P.S.: Why do wire services describe this extreme misanthrope as a "philanthropist"?

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