Published on November 3, 2004 By drmiler In Politics
Okay boys and girls the party is offically over! Kerry has tossed in the towel. He knew there was no way to pull it out. You were warned that this would happen. Daschel is also gone (this is a big relief). The republicans now control the presidency, the senate, the house of Reps., a majority of the governerships and more than likely the supreme court on top of that very soon. I will not be jerking anyones chain about this other than this particular post. The one major thing I don't want, is to listen to the Bush haters (you know who you are. I don't think I need to name names do I?) whine and complain for the next 4 years. Bush has pulled more popular votes than any president has in a loooong time! So he not only pulled the EC, he pulled the popular vote also. That is *clearly* a mandate no matter how you spin it. What we need to do now is pull together behind our president and heal our divided country. Hopefully he will listen to us this term.
on Nov 03, 2004
Bush wins !!!!!
on Nov 03, 2004
With all due respect, whether or not we can heal this divided country depends on a number of factors, including:

1) A willingness to cross party lines and listen to both sides and their issues.
2) An end, for the love of all good, to the name-calling, the mudslinging, and the prejudices of and by both parties against both parties.
3) A concentrated effort by the Government to uphold the Constitution of the United States, including (but not limited to) separation of Church and State.
4) If issues that affect people nationally (i.e. Gay marriage) are to be decided, let the states vote for or against said issues.
5) An end to the needless outsourcing of jobs.
6) A realization that the children of this country represent our future and ensure that educational institutions have proper funding.
7) A concentrated effort by both parties to work together for the better of this country.
8) A foreign policy that respects the opinions of world leaders with whom we conduct trade and business.
9) A domestic policy that ensures the right of privacy, of freedom of speech, and one that does not limit our civil rights needlessly.
10) Free beer would be nice.

Sorry, bit of nervous humor there at the end.
on Nov 03, 2004


1) I think Bush already tried that (remember the education bill that he let Kennedy write?), and you see where it got him?  The Ball is in The Dems court now.

2) Muzzle Gore!

3) Who has not been upholding it?  That one just does not make sense. SOrry.

4) That is how an Amendment is passed.  By the States.

5) Tell that to the Heinz company.  Or do you mean HOnda and Toyota outsourcing to us?

6) I disagree.  Having worked in education, the funding and control has to come from the local level.  Get the Feds out of it.

7) Ball is in the Democrats court again.  Bush has lost enough fingers to the biters

8) Respects yes, kow tows to, no.

9) Self evident

10) Definitely!

on Nov 03, 2004
Bush also had more people vote against him than any president has in a long time.

on Nov 03, 2004
6) I disagree. Having worked in education, the funding and control has to come from the local level. Get the Feds out of it.

That leaves poorer districts out in the cold with no chance to compete and their children lost in another generation without prospects.
on Nov 04, 2004

Reply #5 By: whoman69 - 11/3/2004 11:56:18 PM
6) I disagree. Having worked in education, the funding and control has to come from the local level. Get the Feds out of it.

That leaves poorer districts out in the cold with no chance to compete and their children lost in another generation without prospects.

I've said it before and I'll say it again! This SHOULD NOT be a federal problem. The state should take care of it's schools.
on Nov 04, 2004
President Bush received move votes than any President Period. The Democrats of my youth have turned into the far Left of our Political System, that’s why Bush won! (And the Republicans will continue to dominate)