Published on October 24, 2004 By drmiler In Politics
Hey people I just found a new blog site that you might find interesting. It's about election laws. Here's a link.


And for the few who might actually care. The Zogby poll shows Bush opening a lead at 50% to 43%.Here's a little more information.
2000 Final Polls All Wrong - Except Zogby As we go down to the wire and watch the daily tracking polls, NewsMax thought we should take a look back at 2000 and review the "final" polls. In almost every case save one, national polls had George W. Bush winning the popular vote. Story Continues Below Which pollster had it right? As Dick Morris summed up the 2000 polling fiasco, "All the polls were wrong except Zogby." [Editor's note: Get the Zogby tracking poll e-mailed to you each day - before the White House! Click Here] Compare the final polls with the actual results below.
Actual Final Vote Bush 47.87% Gore 48.38% Nader 2.74%
Final Polls
Zogby/Reuters Poll Gore 48% Bush 46% Nader 4%
Gallup/USA Today/CNN Bush 48% Gore 46% Nader 4% Buchanan 1%
NBC/Wall Street Journal Bush 47% Gore 44% Nader 3% Buchanan 2%
Washington Post Bush 48% Gore 45% Nader 3%
Battleground Poll Bush 46% Gore 41% Nader 4% Buchanan 1%
ABC News Bush 48% Gore 45% Nader 3% Buchanan 1%
CBS News Bush 46% Gore 42% Nader 5% Buchanan 1%
Rasmussen Bush 49% Gore 40% Nader 4% Pew Research Bush 45% Gore 43% Nader 4%
ICR Poll Bush 46% Gore 44% Nader 7% Buchanan 2% Investor’s Business Daily/TIPP Bush 48% Gore 42% Nader 3% Buchanan 1%

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