Published on October 23, 2004 By drmiler In Politics

Kerry Rated “F”. . . Fake, Fraud and Second Amendment Phony

In The Line Of Fire

Kayne Robinson NRA President

John Kerry says he’s a hunter. He’s even got the
campaign photos to prove it. Kerry says he supports
the Second Amendment, but says that you don’t
need an AK-47 to hunt deer.
The problem is, the Clinton gun ban was not about
AK-47s or about any other machine gun. It was the
most comprehensive ban ever on self-loading firearms
just like those you and I and our neighbors use every
day for personal protection, hunting and competitive shooting.
Kerry Rated “F”...Fake, Fraud and Second Amendment Phony
Remember Bill Clinton? During the campaign, he staged a duck hunt and posed for the cameras as a hunter and sportsman. He got elected and signed into law the most sweeping gun ban in American history, posing for the cameras with Chuck Schumer, Sarah Brady and the rest of the anti-Second Amendment lobby.

Remember Jane Fonda? She loved guns so much she had her photograph taken with an anti-aircraft gun in Vietnam. The problem was, it was in North Vietnam! She didn’t mind that gun, but spent years trying to deny your firearms freedom in America.

Don’t believe the campaign photos and rhetoric. Believe the record.

John Kerry says he’s a hunter. He’s even got the campaign photos to prove it. Kerry says he supports the Second Amendment, but says that you don’t need an ak-47 to hunt deer. The problem is, the Clinton gun ban was not about ak-47s or about any other machine gun. It was the most comprehensive ban ever on self-loading firearms just like those you and I and our neighbors use every day for personal protection, hunting and competitive shooting. John Kerry voted to ban your guns, Bill Clinton signed the bill into law and they were both very proud to trample on your rights.

The latest gun ban organization, Americans for Gun Safety, and the liberal anti-gun Sierra Club are running a national campaign to paint John Kerry as a great hunter and gun owner. Their goal is simple—if they cannot get you to support Kerry, they want to at least get you to not fear his position on gun rights.
But you should fear him. Ignore the rhetoric, fear John Kerry’s record and vote against him in November!

If you really want to know where John Kerry stands, just look at who stands with him.

The Brady Campaign gave him a 100-percent rating. So did the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Those two groups have joined with the anti-gun Million Mom March, and the Sierra Club—along with Ted Kennedy, Dianne Feinstein, Frank Lautenberg, Carolyn McCarthy and Chuck Schumer—to help get Kerry elected.

The gun ban lobby couldn’t love John Kerry any more than that!

Gun Owners of America rates John Kerry as a zero. And the nra has repeatedly, throughout his two decades in public office, rated Kerry as an “f.”

In 1982, Kerry served as lieutenant governor under Michael Dukakis in Massachusetts, where citizens suffer from some of the most oppressive anti-gun laws in America. In the United States Senate, Kerry has cast more than 50—FIFTY!—anti-gun votes to strip away your freedom.

If you thought Al Gore was bad, then John Kerry is a gun owner’s worst nightmare.

Don’t let John Kerry and his cohorts swindle the American people in this election. Don’t believe the staged photos and lip service. Believe the Kerry record, fear it and vote against it in November.

nra members have a great history of going to the polls on election day and taking their family and friends along to Vote Freedom First. Do it again this fall. John Kerry is an “f”—a fake, a fraud and a Second Amendment phony.

We are not fooled.

Vote Freedom First!

Posted: 10/22/2004

The National Rifle Association doesn’t want voters to miss the mark this November when voting for America’s next president.
The National Rifle Association hits it right on the target when it comes to discrediting Sen. John Kerry as an avid sportsman.
“He has voted not once, not twice, but 50 times against the Second Amendment,” says Chris Cox, NRA’s executive director for legi
slative action. “He’s voted to close all hunting lands.” In addition, the NRA says Kerry voted to ban guns nine times, and Kerry proved himself to be a hypocrite by accepting a Remington 1187, a popular hunting shotgun, at a West Virginia rally. “Under legislation that John Kerry is currently sponsoring in Congress, this gun would be banned,” explains Cox, at a press conference in Gnesen Township.

on Oct 23, 2004
I'm a former member of the NRA and a dem gun owner who thinks we don't need assault weapons for the "purpose" of hunting. That is not to say that i think they should be banned either. But some form of regulation is needed. The NRA thinks the second amendment means that Ted Nugent can hunt deer with a grenade launcher. (true story, he has one mounted on his zebra striped Hummer) Well, that takes the sport out of hunting doesn't it? Hunting is a sport nowadays, our country has evolved beyond having to hunt for survival in most cases (there are exceptions). Seems to me that the NRA operates under the rule that if you do not tow their line, you are somehow an "enemy" of the gun rights movement. They even have an enemies list on their website last time i looked, some of the folks on the list deserve it in my opnion, some do not.

The NRA acts as if guns should be issued at birth. That is wrong. The open market in the gun industry, (gun shows) are a big reason we have so much gun violence in this country. Even Al Qaida is aware of how easy it is to buy unregulated guns at gun shows. They put in their terror training maual. Lets look at it from a domestic standpoint for a sec. We have folks like Tim McVeigh who i think everybody will agree was a domestic terrorist, driving around the country selling guns at gun shows to anybody with the cash to buy. Nazis, anti government militias, criminals and the like. The NRA says that gun shows need no more controls put on them. So by default, that means they say its ok to sell guns to these groups. Is that ok? Does that define a "well armed militia"? It does if you are in one that is trying to overthrow the government..

I didn't like the assault weapons ban as it was applied. It seemed to me that it was almost useless. I understand why bush 2.0 didnt choose to extend it. He knew that if he did extend it, he would possibly lose the NRA's endorsement. Some kind of law needs to be put in place to regulate the sale of assault weapons. I think if you can prove to the government that you are a decent taxpaying citizen who obeys the law and has a legitimate use for it, you should be allowed an FFL (federal firearms license) and should be able to own one. I do not believe that every person in the USA has a right to own an AK-47.

What good does it serve? None. I used to own a bushmaster for a couple of years, and you know what i ended up using it for? Shooting watermelons. I didn't carry it for personal protection when i had a concealed weapon permit. (i have a Sig Sauer 220 for that) It was basically a showpiece. I ended up selling it (to a cop buddy of mine) because i had no other use for it. I hunt with my 30.06 or my 32 Winchester special. They do the job just fine for hunting. If someone comes in my house, the Sig or my 25 Raven under the pillow do the trick just fine.

Even though i'm against the Patriot Act, i'm not losing any sleep about the government kicking in doors and turning on their citizens by taking our guns, therefore i do not feel the need to keep an assault weapon in my home to "protect" me from that. Our nation has had over 200 years to make the point that they aren't going to be doing that any time soon.The paranoid elements of the gun rights movement love to use that little gem to justify the right to own them. Ironic that the same politicians they support also authored the patriot act. "Vote Freedom First"... What a load!

Personally, i think the article you posted is typical NRA propaganda. They love to do things like that to scare the common man into thinking without the NRA the government will be kicking in their doors and snatching up their guns. It's how they get people to join and pay dues, thereby putting money in their coffers. It's a scam, plain and simple.

The NRA is also a predominantly repub orginization, so unless a dem candidate is a full on conservative like lets say, a Zell Miller or somebody like that, they're not going to get any endorsement from them anyways.

I say screw em!
on Oct 23, 2004

Reply #1 By: thatoneguyinslc - 10/23/2004 11:13:43 AM
I'm a former member of the NRA and a dem gun owner who thinks we don't need assault weapons for the "purpose" of hunting. That is not to say that i think they should be banned either. But some form of regulation is needed. The NRA thinks the second amendment means that Ted Nugent can hunt deer with a grenade launcher. (true story, he has one mounted on his zebra striped Hummer) Well, that takes the sport out of hunting doesn't it? Hunting is a sport nowadays, our country has evolved beyond having to hunt for survival in most cases (there are exceptions). Seems to me that the NRA operates under the rule that if you do not tow their line, you are somehow an "enemy" of the gun rights movement. They even have an enemies list on their website last time i looked, some of the folks on the list deserve it in my opnion, some do not.

The NRA acts as if guns should be issued at birth. That is wrong. The open market in the gun industry, (gun shows) are a big reason we have so much gun violence in this country. Even Al Qaida is aware of how easy it is to buy unregulated guns at gun shows.

When was the last time you were at a gun show. Unregulated my butt! I hate to be one to tell you this but the so-called "loophole" does not exist. At any gun show if you buy a firearm from a dealer you have to jump through the same hoops as if you bought it in a store. The loophole they want to close is *your* ability to sell you firearm to someone else.

Some kind of law needs to be put in place to regulate the sale of assault weapons. I think if you can prove to the government that you are a decent taxpaying citizen who obeys the law and has a legitimate use for it, you should be allowed an FFL (federal firearms license) and should be able to own one. I do not believe that every person in the USA has a right to own an AK-47.

Some kind of law? why? The ak-47 your talking about is a *semi-automatic* rifle just like a bunch of others. So your saying that a Ruger mini-14 should be banned also? It's a semi-automatic firearm capable of using large clips. Sorry but short of a fully automatic firearm or a grenade launcher I don't think the government should be able to tell me what kind of firearm I can own.
And BTW as a NRA certified range officer I can tell you this. Your Bushmaster could have been used for a lot better purpose. Say a high power match among others shooting disiplines.
on Oct 23, 2004
Personally, i think the article you posted is typical NRA propaganda. They love to do things like that to scare the common man into thinking without the NRA the government will be kicking in their doors and snatching up their guns. It's how they get people to join and pay dues, thereby putting money in their coffers. It's a scam, plain and simple.

If you don't think the government would do it, then I feel sorry for you. After the AWB was enacted. Senator Diane Fienstein (remember her? Dem CA?) said if she could have gotten a few more votes she would have banned ALL guns! The NRA ain't the greatest thing in the world but at times they do help.
on Oct 24, 2004
AK-47 was just an example Dr. How about an MP5 auto? that better? A buddy of mine went through the process (collector) and all he does is shoot watermelons with me as well.

The NRA is a tool of the gun industry. And Feinstien's attempt would have never made it to law. There are too many responsible gun owners in the house and senate to let that happen.

And you are ducking my point in my original post. I go to gun shows all the time, and i also see what goes on in the parking lot before , during, and after the shows. You act as if illegal gun sales do not happen at or around gun shows...Wake up man! it happens constantly! Show me where they do spot checks? I go to the largest gun show in the US every year (Crossroads of the West, in SLC) and the real sales go down after in the bars, parking lots, and hotel rooms around the convention center. So don't act as if the gun shows sell like your average shooting store. Because it is not the same. Gun shops are doing it the right way. The brady bill for the most part was a good idea. It has prevented THOUSANDS of felons from buying weapons. Gun shows do not have the ability to do a five day background check, because most gun shows usually last 3 days at the most. I'm not saying that all of the merchants at gun shows are breaking the law...Quite the opposite. Most of them will not sell guns to anybody they suspect might be a criminal. But the minority of them will sell to anybody with the $$$ to buy.

I say that if you want to host a gun show, the ATF needs to allow the sellers the ability to spot check at the point of sale. The technology exists. It's easy to do. But the NRA is vehemently against it. Why? Because it reduces gun sales! Costing the gun companies millions of dollars a year in lost sales.

Nice try to make me look like an anti gun person Dr...Swing and a miss.
on Oct 24, 2004
Reply #4 By: thatoneguyinslc - 10/24/2004 10:55:49 AM
AK-47 was just an example Dr. How about an MP5 auto? that better? A buddy of mine went through the process (collector) and all he does is shoot watermelons with me as well.

You obviously did NOT read the post BEFORE this one. Here let me help.[

quote]Sorry but short of a fully automatic firearm or a grenade launcher I don't think the government should be able to tell me what kind of firearm I can own.

I have *never* claimed that anyone needed a full auto anything!
I say that if you want to host a gun show, the ATF needs to allow the sellers the ability to spot check at the point of sale. The technology exists.

They already do this at shows. See in PA there is no waiting period for longguns only CA and it's ilk do a crazy thing like that. So any transactions done in the show would be done legally.

The NRA acts as if guns should be issued at birth. That is wrong. The open market in the gun industry, (gun shows) are a big reason we have so much gun violence in this country. Even Al Qaida is aware of how easy it is to buy unregulated guns at gun shows

There are no unregulated guns. Any transaction that you witnessed if it can be shown to be between 2 "individuals" is 100% legal and have *nothing* to do with the gun show. And if you saying that they should stop that also then your saying that I shouldn't be able to sell MY guns to anyone but a dealer! Most especially since I don't have access to NICS. The so called loophole that they want to close is the personal, individual sales. Those are the ones that are unregulated and should stay that way. One of the reasons is personal liberty, another is that they have no way of policing such things. Lets just say you come to my house and I show you a really tricked out Ruger 10/22 rifle. Lets also say that you wish to buy it from me. Now how is the government going to inforce the law? They'll never know unless one of us talks. This runs right back to the 2 reasons I stated.
Swing batter, *crack*, it's a long fly ball and it's outa the park!
on Oct 24, 2004
The Brady Campaign gave him a 100-percent rating. So did the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Those two groups have joined with the anti-gun Million Mom March, and the Sierra Club—along with Ted Kennedy, Dianne Feinstein, Frank Lautenberg, Carolyn McCarthy and Chuck Schumer—to help get Kerry elected.
Great company! Why do you feel that you must be armed to the teeth when you have unswerving trust in our military? Besides, AK47s--easily converted to fully automatic--is an insult to the discriminating hunter.
on Oct 24, 2004
You act as if illegal gun sales do not happen at or around gun shows...Wake up man! it happens constantly! Show me where they do spot checks? I go to the largest gun show in the US every year (Crossroads of the West, in SLC) and the real sales go down after in the bars, parking lots, and hotel rooms around the convention center. So don't act as if the gun shows sell like your average shooting store. Because it is not the same. Gun shops are doing it the right way. The brady bill for the most part was a good idea. It has prevented THOUSANDS of felons from buying weapons. Gun shows do not have the ability to do a five day background check, because most gun shows usually last 3 days at the most. I'm not saying that all of the merchants at gun shows are breaking the law...Quite the opposite. Most of them will not sell guns to anybody they suspect might be a criminal. But the minority of them will sell to anybody with the $$$ to buy.
Penetrating statement. I love it!
on Oct 24, 2004

Reply #7 By: stevendedalus - 10/24/2004 2:35:17 PM
You act as if illegal gun sales do not happen at or around gun shows...Wake up man! it happens constantly! Show me where they do spot checks? I go to the largest gun show in the US every year (Crossroads of the West, in SLC) and the real sales go down after in the bars, parking lots, and hotel rooms around the convention center. So don't act as if the gun shows sell like your average shooting store. Because it is not the same. Gun shops are doing it the right way. The brady bill for the most part was a good idea. It has prevented THOUSANDS of felons from buying weapons. Gun shows do not have the ability to do a five day background check, because most gun shows usually last 3 days at the most. I'm not saying that all of the merchants at gun shows are breaking the law...Quite the opposite. Most of them will not sell guns to anybody they suspect might be a criminal. But the minority of them will sell to anybody with the $$$ to buy.
Penetrating statement. I love it!

Non penetrating. He's talking about PRIVATE gun sales! NOT gunshow gunsales. He is trying his best to lump them all together. BTW ANY semi-automatic can be converted to full auto so what's your point?