Published on September 11, 2004 By drmiler In Politics
Here is something I was reading on

Say It Loud: I'm Communist and I'm Proud
by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
by Mike Rogers

Let's put the cards on the table, shall we? Regardless of what you want to call it, America is on the verge of a total and complete Communist take-over – And judging from a lot of the mail I receive, average America doesn't even know it or seem to care.

I'm sure Anthony Gregory's recent article, "The President Speaks, the Crowd Goes Wild" rattled some cages by stating that George W. Bush's "Republican" platform is "National Socialism" – As opposed to the "Democratic" platform which is nothing less than straight out Socialism.

But let's not get tied up into semantics here. As Dr. John Coleman puts it in his book, One World Order:

"Socialism has nowhere to progress but Communism."

Just about everyone agrees that there is not much of a difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. I gather the insinuation from the many people I talk to is that there is no longer a Democratic party; that the Democrats have become like the Republicans. I think this is completely false. If anything, the Republican party, the party of small government, of the United States has ceased to exist.

The Democrats have taken over. How else would you explain the biggest spending administration in the history of the United States under a so-called "Republican president"?

Consider George W. Bush's remarks during his acceptance speech concerning Medicare, enrolling children in a socialized medical scheme, creating more affordable homes, and on and on...

In America, this is called "Democracy." It's called "Democracy" because it is an "easier sell" to the average American. But what exactly is this "Democracy"?

It is and always has been sold to you as a way to "level the playing field." Whether that field be in business or in your child's education or any number of other areas. It sounds really good: Share the wealth; there's plenty for everyone! A chicken in every pot.

But when you get right down to it, "Sharing the wealth," is in no uncertain terms, Communism. Think about it: What else could you possibly call it? What else could you call penalizing people with money to pay for people who don't have it? And you've got it America; it didn't come from Russia either. It came straight to you from Washington D.C. and The Communist Party of the United States of America; or as Americans would say, "Democrats or Republicans" have brought it to you and are laying it right in your lap and you are eating it up.

When are you folks going to wake up? The Communist government of the United States has been tearing away at your civil rights slowly, but consistently for decades. Yet, most Americans live under the illusion that they live in the freest country in the world. Laughable.

Look, you are either 100% dedicated totally and completely to freedom or you are not. There is no in-between. When you start making rules that marginalize habits and rights of people, then you are exhibiting Communist tendencies.

Personally, I have an aversion to guns. This happened to me as a boy when I went hunting with my father and I blasted a pheasant. I guess when I was a kid, I was a pretty good shot. But shooting that bird made me feel guilty. Hey! I was just a little boy, alright? But that's just my own psychological hang-up. Everyone has a heart and everyone has a brain. Regardless of whether I want to own a gun or not, I certainly do not want the government to make any laws or restrictions on who can and cannot have one if they so choose.

I am for freedom. I am not for limited freedom. When you start putting limits on freedom, then it is the road to Communism. For me to want any sort of rules made by the government on behavior by people – who do not interfere with others, would be completely hypocritical... Not only hypocritical, it would be a form of Communism. There are no two ways about it. You are either for freedom or you are not.

Let me break it down to a very simple and easy to understand example: Public smoking. Now, let's say you are a guy who has worked all your life for someone else. You've somehow managed to make enough money to become your own boss – in spite of the socialist system that surrounds you. Congratulations. You deserve a pat on the back. You've suffered, fought, and succeeded.

Now you decide that you'd like to be your own boss. You would like to take it easy and enjoy the fruits of your labor. So you open up a local pub in the image of what you think local pubs should be like; a place to enjoy a drink, a smoke, and perhaps good conversation. You are proud of your establishment and life looks good. Business is going well.

But then one day, the Communists who run the U.S. government decide to tell you how to run your business. There's a mountain of rules and regulations – half of which are never enforced (until "they" decide it's time to give you a hard time). But the one that is enforced; the one that hurts your business the most is the "No Public Smoking Law."

Hell, everyone knows that drinkers often like to smoke. This is your place. You are the boss here. Who the hell do these people think they are, telling you who you can and cannot serve to? If you want your place to allow smoking, then that is your right as the owner of that business. If you don't want to allow smoking, then that is your right also. If you think what I have written here is wrong, then take a good look in the mirror and you will see a real Communist. And as Fred Reed would point out:

"If they don't like the smoke, or the music, or the food, or my ugly mug, that thing in front with the hinges on it is available. A "door," we call it."

The part that astounds me the most about all this is how "educated" Americans – people who claim that they are for "Capitalism" and "Freedom" – Fail to recognize this situation for what it really is: A Communist take over of America.

Everyone with half-a-brain knows that the government can't do anything right. Everyone knows that anything the government tries to do will be over-budget, past deadline, and screwed up. Not only that, but the government will have to rip it all up in a few years and do it all over again. You don't think so? How about, say, the freeway you drive on everyday? So why in the world do Americans want their government to control more and more of their lives? I know why: Because most Americans are Communists, they just don't call it that.

The Social Welfare State that America has become (and it's getting worse) is the biggest example of American Communism I can think of. Why should you have money taken away from your family and children because some other family cannot afford to take care of their own? Yes, this sounds very cold. But speaking as a former "Leftist" I have come to know that this is the way it is.

And why should you have to pay for some people who are homeless and "out of their luck"? I don't think I should. I don't think you should either.

Several years ago I was discussing this question about the homeless with a Leftist friend of mine. I made the statement that, "Each and every one of us are the masters of our own destiny."

My friend replied, "Yes. But what percentage of that person being homeless is societies fault?"

I retorted, "So what you are saying is that the homeless guy who is now sleeping under the trains tracks over there; his being homeless is partially your fault?"

He replied, "It's not my fault!"

"Well, it most certainly isn't my fault either. So if you and I are not "part of society" then, whose fault is it? Just who is 'society' then?"

The fact of the matter is that the best we could possibly hope for is that the government gets off of our backs and makes an atmosphere where people can be and do their best. Which means minimal or no government. That's it. That is what freedom means. To do otherwise is to head down the road to Communism.

Even if the government did set up a system whereby all the homeless people could be housed and fed – It wouldn't work. Why? It's very simple: Think about why those people are homeless. They are homeless (and they all have different reasons) but it basically all boils down to their homelessness is due to not wanting to be a part of society and the responsibilities that go with it.

Like I said, even if the government set up a system to take care of these people, it wouldn't work. Since such a system would involve paperwork and a bureaucracy – This is, after all the government we are talking about here. There would have to be some kind of organizational process that would keep track of these homeless people: How many meals they've had; have they been showing up every night; medical care; etc...

But remember that some of these homeless people are so derelict, or just plain "mad," that they would not show up at the government office to even sign up for such a program. It just wouldn't work. They are homeless because they don't want to deal with society and having to do things like sign their names; give out personal information or history to someone they don't even know, etc.

In Osaka, Japan, they had a very severe "problem" with the homeless. About twelve years ago or so, when the Socialists (read: Communists) were in power here, the government decided to build a huge tent to house and feed between 6,000 to 8,000 homeless people. It was claimed as a, "Victory for democracy and a great way for a great society to share the wealth." Well, guess what? It was a disaster. Less than 100 homeless people even showed up to this grand scheme in the first week. Today the tent is being used as an open-air site for rock concerts. Score one for our tax money well spent.

Now why didn't the homeless show up? Who wouldn't want free food and a warm place to sleep? The homeless, that's who. I gather, from volunteer working with the homeless for almost ten years in Iidabashi in Tokyo – thank you, that they want to be homeless because being "Homeless" means being free.

And now that the Communists are running America – be they called Republican or Democrat – They want you to spend your money so that, not only will you have to support the poor people in your own neighborhoods in your own nation, they want you to support the poor people all over the world.

As George W. Bush also said in his acceptance speech:

."..In our world, and here at home, we will extend the frontiers of freedom." He went on to say:

.".. We will help new leaders to train their armies, and move toward elections, and get on the path of stability and democracy as quickly as possible."

Wonderful. And the Communists want to use your tax dollars and your children's blood to spread this "democracy" and freedom...

Freedom for who? For you in America?... I think you know the answer to this question by now. Go ahead average America: Be proud. Say it loud!

September 9, 2004

Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers [send him mail] was born and raised in the USA and moved to Japan in 1984. He has worked as an independent writer, producer, and personality in the mass media for nearly 30 years.

Copyright © 2004

Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers Archives

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