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America Love it or Leave it.
As if I care.
Published on April 30, 2007 By
Sconn1 has me b/l once more because he lost an arguement. Here it is.
I could actually care less if he keeps me on his b/l.
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Comments (Page 2)
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on May 01, 2007
Haha. You can still reply there. Just not from the old forums. Apparently BL works there.
No Brandie, the B/L works on both sides. I don't won't use the new side. I don't like the layout and it can be very confusing. I only ever use the old side of JU. But you are always welcome here. As far as I'm concerned SConn1 can go pound sand.
Question of the Day
on May 01, 2007
yea the feds were calling him a despot and he was calling the feds despots tr5yihg to go in and kill the religeon
here is the whole story
utah wasnot in a state of rebillion and the government instead of going through channels listenned to a group of anti mormans and sent in the troops to protect the new governor which the church took as an assuilt on liberities akin to other attacks the last one being in missiouri
So, did you do what I asked? Did you read your own source??? Throwing up a new link to try and support your rubbish isn't helping you any at all.
But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and read the new 'stuff':
first line:
"When Major Van Vliet returned from Utah to Washington with Young's
defiant ultimatum
"Asked by his host, when the head of the church took his leave, if Young appeared to be a tyrant, Governor Cumming replied: "No, sir. No tyrant ever had a head on his shoulders like Mr. Young. He is naturally a good man. I doubt whether many of your people sufficiently appreciate him as a leader."*
This was the judgment of a federal officer after a few moments' conversation with the reviler of the government and a month's coaching by Colonel Kane
Your article also states:
Governor Cumming, in his report to Secretary Cass on the situation as he found it when he entered Salt Lake City, said that,
learning that a number of persons desirous of leaving the territory "
considered themselves to be unlawfully restrained of their liberty
," he decided, even at the risk of offending the Mormons, to give public notice of his readiness to assist such persons. In consequence, 56 men, 38 women, and 71 children sought his protection in order to proceed to the States. "The large majority of these people;" he explained, "are of English birth, and state that they leave the congregation from a desire to improve their circumstances and realize elsewhere more money for their labor."
"When Governor Cumming was introduced to the congregation of nearly four thousand people he made a very conciliatory address, in which, however, according to his report to Secretary Cass,* he let them know that he had come to vindicate the national sovereignty, "and to exact an unconditional submission on their part to the
dictates of the law"; but informed them that they were entitled to trial by their peers,--intending to mean Mormon peers,--that he had no intention of stationing the army near their settlements, or of using a military posse
until other means of arrest had failed
"In his report to Secretary Cass, dated May 2, Governor Cumming, after describing this exodus as a matter of great concern, said:--
I shall follow these people and try to rally them.
Our military force could overwhelm most of these poor people, involving men, women, and children in a common fate; but there are among the Mormons many brave men accustomed to arms and horses, men who could fight desperately as guerillas; and, if the settlements are destroyed, will subject the country to an expensive and protracted war, without any compensating results. They will, I am sure, submit to 'trial by their peers,' but they will not brook the idea of trial by 'juries' composed of 'teamsters and followers of the camp,' nor any army encamped in their cities or dense settlements."
Hardly the words of a man trying to persecute the Mormons!
"Governor Cumming's report of May 2 did not reach Washington until June 9, but the President's volte-face had begun before that date, and when the situation in Utah was precisely as it was when he had assured Colonel Kane that he would send no agent to the Mormons while they continued their defiant attitude. Under date of April 6 he issued a proclamation, in which he recited the outrages on the federal officers in Utah,
the warlike attitude and acts of the Mormon force, which, he pointed out, constituted rebellion and treason
; declared that it was a grave mistake to suppose that the government would fail to bring them into submission; stated that the land occupied by the Mormons belonged to the United States;
disavowed any intention to interfere with their religion
; and then, to save bloodshed and avoid indiscriminate punishment where all were not equally guilty
, he offered "a free and full pardon to all who will submit themselves to the just authority of the federal government."
Do you have a problem with reading comprehension? you've only digging yourself a bigger hole by adding another link. Neither of them support your claim!
Question of the Day
on May 01, 2007
OK, now I am officially done with danny boy. Sorry for the hijack drmiler.
on May 01, 2007
how come you only posted the anti morman stuff and non of the other part
the president sent in troops to put done a rebullion that didn't exist
becouse a few non mormans appointed men had tried to rip the members off and becouse the mormans were practicing plural marriage at the time
now i can do what you did and pick my paragraphs but you need to read the whole thing to know what really happened to hit and miss
and if brigham young was that big of a tyrant do you really think that he would not have fought to keep his power
come you people use your own brains for once
the warlike attitude and acts of the Mormon force, which, he pointed out, constituted rebellion and treason;
after the president sent in an attack force and the morman forces went out of their way not to kill anyone involved with the federal government
on May 01, 2007
hi docm, long time no type..
hope all is well in doc m land.
on May 01, 2007
Is that like re-heated bullion? Beef or Chicken?
Don't forget Vegetable!
on May 01, 2007
San Chorizo
Mmmmm . . . Chorizo . . . gotta love the stuff.
Dr Guy
on May 01, 2007
Chorizo . . . gotta love the stuff.
You dont? tsk, tsk!
on May 02, 2007
San Chorizo
Mmmmm . . . Chorizo . . . gotta love the stuff.
Sorry about that name mess up.
on May 02, 2007
Sorry about that name mess up.
No worries . . . Chorizo is good for you, just don't think of what it is . . .
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