Published on September 4, 2004 By drmiler In Politics
To all of you hopefuls out there, "Abandon hope all ye who enter here"! I live in PA which is "one" of the swing states. The Catholics in PA (practising catholics anyway) have been asked NOT to vote for John Kerry (by the dioces because of his stand on abortion. And to top it all off he's been "shown" once again to be a "liar".! The US NAVY has challenged his "supposed" earned medals while in Vietnam. Here's the link on that.
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on Sep 05, 2004
You may very well be right about Kerry losing. And that's a shame that religion is such a factor. Seems odd to me that these Catholics are against Kerry for his views on abortion, and therefore will most likely vote for Bush (if they vote at all) despite the hundreds, if not thousands of wrongful and senseless murders (by both Coalition and "Enemy" forces) to his name. I guess to these conservative religious people, it's reprehensible to abort a fetus in the woom, but once they pop out they are fair game in the name or revenge, oil and financial gain.
on Sep 05, 2004
You may very well be right about Kerry losing. And that's a shame that religion is such a factor. Seems odd to me that these Catholics are against Kerry for his views on abortion, and therefore will most likely vote for Bush (if they vote at all) despite the hundreds, if not thousands of wrongful and senseless murders (by both Coalition and "Enemy" forces) to his name. I guess to these conservative religious people, it's reprehensible to abort a fetus in the woom, but once they pop out they are fair game in the name or revenge, oil and financial gain.

Actually I wrote those in the wrong order. He's gonna lose alright but the "main" reason is he lies "alot". His "lies" will cost him the votes from "anyone" who has served in the military. And I "really" hate to tell you this but if you are reffering to the war in Iraq? We DID NOT do it for oil OR financial gain. And there is no proof to show that we did. That is of course unless you start spitting out the typical Democratic BS.
on Sep 05, 2004
His "lies" will cost him the votes from "anyone" who has served in the military.

You are wrong there, my friend.
on Sep 05, 2004
on Sep 05, 2004


only those who dont spell it 'fagot'

on Sep 05, 2004

have been asked NOT to vote for John Kerry (by the dioces because of his stand on abortion

i certainly hope the bishops/archbishops/cardinals put that in writing.

on Sep 05, 2004

Reply #6 By: kingbee - 9/5/2004 4:15:15 AM

have been asked NOT to vote for John Kerry (by the dioces because of his stand on abortion

i certainly hope the bishops/archbishops/cardinals put that in writing.

They don't need to. And there ain't spit Kerry can do about it even if they did put it in writing. BTW this is NOT a new thing ....that is unless you forgot that Kerry was told NOT to take communion because of that. They just finally got around to saying something to their congregations.

on Sep 05, 2004

Reply #3 By: Texas Wahine - 9/5/2004 2:46:57 AM

His "lies" will cost him the votes from "anyone" who has served in the military.

You are wrong there, my friend.

So sayeth all that I have talked to. And BTW tthat includes ME! 8 years with the US NAVY I think would qualify me to be included in that group? And to tell the truth.....personally I think he's a chicken s**t a**hole!
on Sep 05, 2004

The US NAVY has challenged his "supposed" earned medals while in Vietnam

according to the link you posted, the navy isnt challenging anything. 

on Sep 05, 2004
In launching the formal probe the Navy was responding to a referral from the Pentagon's inspector general's office - based on a complaint filed by the Washington-based legal watchdog group Judicial Watch, Fox News reported Friday.

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In a letter to Judicial Watch, the inspector general's office said: "Concerning our allegations of violations of Uniform Code of Military Justice, we have the responsibility to ... 'report suspected or alleged violations.' We have informed the secretary of the Navy of the allegations."
Former Navy Secretary John Lehman, who has challenged the authenticity of his signature on one of Kerry's war decorations, told Fox that Navy records needed to be "thoroughly researched and the facts established."

Most of the questions about Kerry's combat record appear to be based on processing errors, Navy sources told the news network.

However, even if the errors were based on inadvertent mistakes, any corrections would force the top Democrat to acknowledge that citations touting his heroism that have been posted to his Web site for months were false - a development that could have devastating political consequences.

If this ain't a challenge then I don't know what one would be!!! They are launching an investigation on his medals. What then is an investigation but a challenge of the precepts put forward by someone
on Sep 05, 2004
They don't need to. And there ain't spit Kerry can do about it even if they did put it in writing.

No, there isn't spit KERRY can do about it, but the IRS can revoke their tax exempt status....wouldn't THAT be news!
on Sep 05, 2004
What's being challenged is whether he is misrepresenting the types of citations he received, specifically the Silver Star with Combat V (there is no such citation), and for displaying a possible falsified record on his website, supposedly signed by Former Navy Secretary John Lehman (who said he never signed or even saw it.

What will probably hurt Kerry the worst is his own words ""If you wind up being less than what you're pretending to be, there is a major confrontation with value, self-esteem and your sense of how others view you" regarding the same action taken by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jeremy Boorda in 1996. Kerry also said the error was "sufficient to question his leadership position."

Sometimes it seems Kerry is not quite aware of what he is doing.
on Sep 05, 2004

Reply #11 By: Gideon MacLeish - 9/5/2004 8:16:11 AM

They don't need to. And there ain't spit Kerry can do about it even if they did put it in writing.

No, there isn't spit KERRY can do about it, but the IRS can revoke their tax exempt status....wouldn't THAT be news!

#1) That ain't NEVER going to happen. They (the government) does not want to piss off that big a block of voters!

#2) They would need a "legal" reason to do so. And that my friend, as they say does NOT exsist! They have done "nothing" illegal to warrent such an action.
on Sep 05, 2004

You may very well be right about Kerry losing. And that's a shame that religion is such a factor. Seems odd to me that these Catholics are against Kerry for his views on abortion, and therefore will most likely vote for Bush (if they vote at all) despite the hundreds, if not thousands of wrongful and senseless murders (by both Coalition and "Enemy" forces) to his name. I guess to these conservative religious people, it's reprehensible to abort a fetus in the woom, but once they pop out they are fair game in the name or revenge, oil and financial gain.

People are stupid like that. You may recall that many African Americans voted for Clinton, even though he had millions of African casualties to his name simply because he didn't care about people who weren't white.

on Sep 05, 2004
#1) That ain't NEVER going to happen. They (the government) does not want to piss off that big a block of voters!

#2) They would need a "legal" reason to do so. And that my friend, as they say does NOT exsist! They have done "nothing" illegal to warrent such an action.

Yes, they have. If they endorsed a candidate for public office from the pulpit, they are in very clear violation of the law, and the resultant penalty is removal of their tax exempt status. This has been clearly stipulated to ALL churches since the mid-1990's when the law was put in place to counter the Christian Coalition.
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