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America Love it or Leave it.
Why is it only Aussies can get it right?
Published on March 1, 2007 By
This has been verified with both snopes and the orginal brodcast network. Below are the links for verification. Why does it have to be that only the Aussies can get it?
Way to go guys
I wish the US would do the same thing
This should apply to our "southern border" also.
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
A day after a group of mainstream Muslim leaders pledged loyalty to Australia and her Queen at a special meeting with Prime Minister John Howard, he and his Ministers made it clear that extremists would face a crackdown. Treasurer Peter Costello, seen as heir apparent to Howard, hinted that some radical clerics could be asked to leave the country if they did not accept that Australia was a secular state, and its laws were made by parliament. "If those are not your values, if you want a country which has Sharia law or a theocratic state, then Australia is not for you", he said on National Television.
"I'd be saying to clerics who are teaching that there are two laws governing people in Australia: one the Australian law and another Islamic law that is false. If you can't agree with parliamentary law, independent courts, democracy, and would prefer Sharia law and have the opportunity to go to another country, which practices it, perhaps, then, that's a better option", Costello said.
Asked whether he meant radical clerics would be forced to leave, he said those with dual citizenship could possibly be asked to move to the other country. Education Minister Brendan Nelson later told reporters that Muslims who did not want to accept local values should "clear off. Basically people who don't want to be Australians, and who don't want, to live by Australian values and understand them, well then, they can basically clear off", he said.
Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.
Quote: "IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians."
"However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the 'politically correct' crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia." "However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand." "This idea of Australia being a multi-cultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. And as Australians, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle."
"This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom"
"We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!"
"Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture."
"We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us."
"If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like "A Fair Go", then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. By all means, keep your culture, but do not force it on others.
"This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,
"If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted."
The snopes site
The Aussie broad casting site
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on Mar 04, 2007
See, this is where compassion kills common sense. We could eliminate border problems on the southern border by destroying all paved roads 30 miles in, deforesting the entire area, and blasting anything that moves. Sure this would eliminate over 58,000 square miles of land, but it's mostly desert anyway, and who needs San Diego? We can make up for the lost land space by exterminating Californians and relocating all dislocated Americans to the unaffected portion of California. Make gun ownership mandatory, and make it as easy to collect bounties on dead illegals as it once was to collect pop bottle deposits. Immigrant problem no more.
We need to remember that the true way of life, the AMERICAN way of life, is that only immigrants of EUROPEAN ancestry are welcome here. These darkies need to get the message that they just don't belong.
If anyone wants me, I'll be serving up dinner at the "Whites Only" lunch counter.
I'm telling.
on Mar 05, 2007
I'm telling.
Who ya gonna tell it to?
Dr Guy
on Mar 05, 2007
and who needs San Diego?
What about Poor Yuma?
darth silliness
on Mar 05, 2007
Mark Steyn has written previously on Australian politicians habit of talking straight (i'd link to it but its been removed), in particular John Howard.
But its a habit not limited to the conservatives, Labor's former PM Paul Keating called Howard a "little desiccated coconut" yesterday. I'd guess you'd be hard pressed getting John Major or Bill Clinton to say something similar on the record about their successors
WWW Link
I was of course referring to the case of a Brisbane woman who went mad and began speaking Italian exclusively.
Cactoblasta, if you are referring to Vivian Solon she told DIMIA she was Australian, probably in English. You may have confused it with the Cornelia Rau case, where she spoke German (but not exclusively). In either case, they're hardly proud moments in Australian public service.
on Mar 06, 2007
Thanks Darth - they've all run together in my mind. There's been far too many of these poor citizens deported due to incompetence or departmental bloodymindedness, and that's not even including the citizens we've had imprisoned overseas for years without charge and without our government saying anything.
It's a disgrace.
Champas Socialist
on Mar 06, 2007
Firstly, anyone else remember that these comments are nearly 2 years old.
I personally thought the whole thing was beat up, and I don't particularly object to Costello's comments.
However, there seem to be a lot of new comments you've included which are a complete fabrication. They don't sound anything like John Howard. He doesn't talk that way, and they're not included on your linked sites.
on Mar 06, 2007
However, there seem to be a lot of new comments you've included which are a complete fabrication. They don't sound anything like John Howard. He doesn't talk that way, and they're not included on your linked sites.
It's a reworded American email forward with all the references to America changed to Australia. It's discussed on the Snopes link.
on Mar 06, 2007
It's a reworded American email forward with all the references to America changed to Australia. It's discussed on the Snopes link.
You need to go re-read it again. It says "nothing" of the sort. As a matter of fact, Snopes claims it's TRUE! And just an FYI...the first snopes link I posted was to a snopes "message" board. The link I provide here actually points directly to the snopes site. Which does not back up what you're saying.
on Mar 06, 2007
You need to go re-read it again. It says "nothing" of the sort. As a matter of fact, Snopes claims it's TRUE! And just an FYI...the first snopes link I posted was to a snopes "message" board. The link I provide here actually points directly to the snopes site. Which does not back up what you're saying.
Snopes doesn't say it's true. The second section is not even mentioned on the official snopes page. I'm inclined to believe it would be American anyway - the references to Christianity are very unAustralian, considering the vast majority of Australians don't practise at all.
Dr Guy
on Mar 06, 2007
considering the vast majority of Australians don't practise at all.
Ditto the USA.
on Mar 06, 2007
You need to go re-read it again. It says "nothing" of the sort. As a matter of fact, Snopes claims it's TRUE! And just an FYI...the first snopes link I posted was to a snopes "message" board. The link I provide here actually points directly to the snopes site. Which does not back up what you're saying.
Snopes doesn't say it's true. The second section is not even mentioned on the official snopes page. I'm inclined to believe it would be American anyway - the references to Christianity are very unAustralian, considering the vast majority of Australians don't practise at all.
Yes it does! Go read the last link posted. Check the status....it says "true".
If you're not going to bother to read the links I post, then don't bother replying.
on Mar 07, 2007
Yes it does! Go read the last link posted. Check the status....it says "true".
If you're not going to bother to read the links I post, then don't bother replying.
Yes, but you'll notice if you look carefully that the second section isn't mentioned anywhere in the snopes article. The quotes from Howard et al are certainly true, but the second half - you know, the poorly written one with exclamation! marks! and barely hidden racial hate - is
proven to be from an Australian politician.
And as the forum post showed - you know the one where they had a version which still had one 'American' that was yet to be taken out - it's unlikely it was of Australian origin in the first place.
Champas Socialist
on Mar 13, 2007
Look I don't care what Snopes says, it's not Howard. I have listened to Howard for longer than his 11 years as PM and I can recognise when something's been ghost written for him in the papers and I can recognise a complete fabrication like this. For all Howard may be, this is not how he talks. To be honest this is such a poor imitation of Howard, only someone who's never heard him speak could seriously think this is a genuine John Howard quote.
He's not that verbose for a start. He is the master of the short grab.
He's not that careless with his racism. It's always couched in safe-ish terms so no one has anything specific to pin him with with regards to racism.
There are many words here that are just not his style to say. The turn of phrase is even further from his style.
Quite frankly, although I've seen him get angry, when he does, this is not the sort of ranting lunacy he comes out with. He becomes far more arrogant than this when he is angry.
I'm sorry I can't believe anyone would try to pass this off as John Howard.
Champas Socialist
on Mar 13, 2007
I'm sure some Australians eg Fred Nile, Alan Jones would make such refernces to Christianity. In fact, I'd believe you if you said this was Alan Jones. But John Howard very rarely refers to Christianity. He's no born again.
on Mar 13, 2007
Look I don't care what Snopes says, it's not Howard. I have listened to Howard for longer than his 11 years as PM and I can recognise when something's been ghost written for him in the papers and I can recognise a complete fabrication like this. For all Howard may be, this is not how he talks. To be honest this is such a poor imitation of Howard, only someone who's never heard him speak could seriously think this is a genuine John Howard quote.
He's not that verbose for a start. He is the master of the short grab.
He's not that careless with his racism. It's always couched in safe-ish terms so no one has anything specific to pin him with with regards to racism.
There are many words here that are just not his style to say. The turn of phrase is even further from his style.
Quite frankly, although I've seen him get angry, when he does, this is not the sort of ranting lunacy he comes out with. He becomes far more arrogant than this when he is angry.
I'm sorry I can't believe anyone would try to pass this off as John Howard.
Then you "obviously" did NOT read the snopes article. Did you? It "does NOT" attribute these remarks to Mr. Howard but rather to Peter Costello.
I also am beginning to wonder about the last half. I am afraid that cacto just may be correct on this.
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