Published on February 17, 2006 By drmiler In Politics
I just went in to have tires put on my truck and what do I get? I get some fat slob of a manager ranting about how bad Bush is and how he's running the country into the ground. Then he goes on as to how good "Slick Willie" was and how "hanoijohnkerry" would have been a lot better than Bush.

I promptly told him that he just messed up big time and that he was talking to someone who was probably the most extreme right-winger he'd ever met. He then told me (in basic terms) that he didn't care and GW was still a clown. I then pulled out my knife and my Firestone credit card and cut it to pieces and handed them to him. I told him because of his inability to control his mouth and his attitude that he had just lost a good paying customer and that I would not be back. I then came home and e-mailed Firestone corp about this. I'm waiting to see what happens. Anyone want to bet he's not the manager for very long?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 18, 2006
I told him because of his inability to control his mouth and his attitude that he had just lost a good paying customer and that I would not be back. I then came home and e-mailed Firestone corp about this.

A reasonable response IMHO to an unreasonable situation.

Remember, freedom of speech does not come with free of consequences.

Unfortunately, this truism is often forgotten.

So I guess Firestone does care.

Good to know.
on Feb 18, 2006
Unfortunately, this truism is often forgotten.

Is that a good thing? Cool.

Personally, I think you probably handled the situation in a bit of an over-the-top manner (heh, vinegar and honey and all that), but hey, it's your money, your vehicle, and your prerogative

You may be right but in this world that we live in sometimes one must take drastic measures to get respect. Most managers will not care about someone getting upset cause they may not feel that it will affect thier life in any way. But when something this strong is done the shockwave usually does give results. Sometime some people have to learn things the hard way and sometimes someone has to teach it to them. I don't think I would have cut the card myself, but I would probably have stopped going there. And maybe even send an email. Now that I think about it I will consider the idea to send emails more often. How does one expect things to get better if we don't take steps to make it better.
on Apr 21, 2006
Ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks for the good laugh, doctor.

As I've mentioned plenty of times, I'm pretty liberal, and that's cool. All my friends and acquaintances are pretty darn conservative, and that's okay too. But to discuss this at work is pretty dumb of that guy.

Just remind me not to leave anything of mine lying around if we ever get in a political argument . . .
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